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Older Adults


Several grocery and meal programs are available to support nutrition for adults over age 60.

Learn more about nutrition programs below to find out which programs you are likely eligible for.

Grocery Programs


The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or Link) helps individuals and families purchase groceries.


Adults over age 60 have expanded eligibility rules. Older adults can have income up to 200% of the federal poverty line. When determining eligibility, older adults can deduct medical expenses, and they do not face a cap on housing expenses for the housing deduction.


Older adults also have a simplified process for maintaining benefits. Once enrolled, they only have to recertify their eligibility every 24 months.

Learn About SNAP

Senior Food Box Program

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides a package of nutritious foods specifically selected to support the nutritional needs of older adults, like cereal, rice, pasta, and canned fruits and vegetables. CSFP is only available in certain counties in Illinois.

Learn About CSFP

Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program

The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides checks to older adults to help them purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. SFMNP is only available in certain counties in Illinois.

Learn About SFMNP

Food Pantries

Food pantries provide groceries to individuals in a variety of community locations.

Learn About Food Pantries

Meal Programs

Older Adult Meal Programs

Older adult meal programs provide meals to older adults in group settings or for home delivery. Group settings include senior centers, churches, senior housing facilities, and community buildings. When older adults cannot leave their homes or cannot personally prepare nutritious meals, home delivered meals are an available option.

Learn About Older Adult Meal Programs