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Afterschool Snack and Supper Program


What is the Afterschool Snack and Supper Program?

The Afterschool Snack and Supper Program provides free meals and snacks to school-aged children after school, on weekends, and during school holidays.

How Does it Work?

Afterschool snacks and suppers are served free at participating program sites. Sites may be located in a variety of settings, including schools, parks, community centers, libraries, apartment complexes, churches, and migrant centers.

These programs provide care for children after school or on the weekends, holidays, or breakfast during the regular school year and provide organized, scheduled educational or enrichment activities like arts and crafts, computer lessons, or homework help.

Who is Eligible?

Income Requirement

Program sites where meals and snacks are served must meet income requirements for the communities they serve. Certain afterschool programs may require an application to participate, and the application may ask about income.

Age Requirement

Children age 18 or under at the start of the school year.

Citizenship Requirement

No citizenship requirement.

How Do I Apply?

To access afterschool snacks and suppers, your child must be enrolled in a participating afterschool snack or supper program.

For information about afterschool programs in your community, contact your child’s school.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Children who turn 19 during the school year remain eligible until the end of the school year.

There are several programs that support families with children, from pregnancy through high school. Learn more about nutrition programs for families with children.